Live Channel
On Demand
Live Channel
On Demand
The Bro. Henry and You Show
The Bro. Henry and You Show
Taking the risk (Could God be more loving than what we were taught)? EP02
Deconstruct your NEED to be right (EP03)
The gift of no condemnation (EP04) PART 1
The gift of no condemnation PART 2
The gift of no condemnation PART 3
No Transactions
Who touched me?
Misplaced Identity
Taking a look at God again
Have you figured it out yet?
Throwing rocks but hiding your hand
It's in your hands
The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)
The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (Part 3)
Why do people force their beliefs onto other people?
Why are black women always depicted as angry?
There is no superiority in Christ ( PART ONE)
There is no superiority in Christ ( PART TWO)
Bro. Henry interview W/ Jamie Sims
The Cult of Christianity interview W/ Pastor Mike Williams
Fire Insurance (Our unhealthy devotion to hell) Part 1
Everybody use to be a use to be
Is the church in the wilderness?
Is grace a license to sin?
Forgive your way to prosperity W/ Rev. Jim Webb
Do long distance relationships work?
Do you feel appreciated at work?
Bereavement (Processing the death of a loved one)
Suicide Prevention interview W/ Vonita Kelly LPC-S, NCC